Native Languages Program


Before Spanish and English became dominant languages in the Americas, Native people of North and South America spoke hundreds to thousands of languages that not only define us as people but shaped our traditions, teachings, spirituality, and way of life as Original People of this Continent and is why we plan to emphasize Indigenous Education that aims to offer classes that promote native language preservation and revival for multiple native communities.

The Native Languages Program is a free program to the community sponsored by Society of Native Nations with the help of other organizations and communities in hopes to help create the space for the native languages to be taught, learned and preserved. We look to raise funds through private donors, grants, and fundraiser events so that we may continue to offer these classes for all people wanting to learn the native languages of their people that cannot afford to pay for such classes or know where to go to learn.  We also set up a live feed for those that cannot attend the classes so that they may still learn via Facebook live video set up during the classes.

We work with any and all native communities that look for and request help in supporting a native language class teaching the native language of their people.


All raised funds are much appreciated and help us to offer the languages classes to the community.






Let's Learn Nahuatl - Native Languages Program

sponsored by Society of Native Nations, Kalpulli Ameyaltonal Tejaztlan and Maestro Gaudencio Ramirez of the Community of Copalillo, Guerrero, Mexico. 


The Native Languages Program is a free program sponsored by Society of Native Nations. By partnering with Kalpultin, tribes, and organizations that emphasize Indigenous Education, this program aims to offer classes that promote native language preservation and revival. If you would like to teach a class in your Native language.


Meet the Instructor:
Gaudencio Ramirez is an endorsed instructor from the Community Council of Copalillo, Guerrero. He will be teaching introductory vocabulary and grammar associated with Nahuatl from Guerrero, Mexico as a part of their campaign, Matij Chihuakan, which focuses on encouraging proactivity of indigenous communities. Over 150k Nahuatl speakers reside in the state of Guerrero and our San Antonio community is engaging in an inter-cultural and trans-national effort to bridge indigenous communities interested in preserving our native languages. Join us!!


Kalpulli Ameyaltonal Tejaztlan is a group of families, women, men, and children working together to decolonize, heal and empower through the preservation of the Mexica-Chichimeca Danza tradition. We support social and indigenous justice issues and strive to collaborate with people and organizations that respect and honor our heritage as Indigenous people of Mexico and Central America


Acompáñenos en una clase introductoria del lenguaje Nahuatl, uno de los varios lenguajes originarios de este continente antes de la invasion del colonialismo.

Antes de que el Español y el Ingles fueran idiomas dominantes en las Americas, nuestros pueblos originarios hablaban cientos de idiomas que nos solo nos identificaban como pueblos, sino tambien formaban parte de nuestras tradiciones, rituales y filosofias como Gente Originaria de este continente.

If you have any questions about the classes , please call us or send an email to the: Programs Department


PLEASE SUPPORT BY MAKING A DONATION, send a check to the address below or CLICK the DONATE BUTTON, if you have any questions, please email


Please donate secure via PayPal by credit card, check, or with your own PayPal account, you do not need a PayPal account to donate. All donations are very appreciated and all donations are used to help us facilitate and make this prayer run possible.


If you have any questions about donating, please email

You can also send a check made out to (Society of Native Nations) to address:

Society of Native Nations

10730 Potranco Road Suite 122-282

San Antonio, TX 78251

Phone: 210-468-8201


"Society of Native Nations" (SNN) is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Society of Native Nations - Federal IRS Tax Exemptions Identification Number # 81-0984252



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