Here is where we will display a link to our SNN Food and Supplies Assistance form when openings are available, and if we do not show the link here, then below is a list of other organizations providing food resources.


COVID-19 Food Resources List



The Dinner Garden

P.O. Box 700686

San Antonio, TX - 78270

Phone: (210) 979-1776

Hope Action Care

P.O. Box 120190

San Antonio, TX - 78212

Phone: (210) 224-7330

San Antonio Food Bank

5200 Old Highway 90 West

San Antonio, TX - 78227

Phone: (210) 337-3663


Ressurection of the lord Catholic Churchs food pantry

7990 W Military Drive

San Antonio, TX - 78227

Phone: (210) 675-1470


Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program

127 Lanark Drive

San Antonio, TX - 78218

Phone: (210) 590-6655


Principe De Paz U.M.C - Jireh House

3226 South Laredo Street

San Antonio, TX - 78207

Phone: (210) 436-7113


St. Peter Prince Of Apostles

111 Barilla Place

San Antonio, TX - 78209

Phone: (210) 822-3367

St. Matthew's SVDP

10703 Wurzbach Rd.

San Antonio, TX - 78230

Phone: (210) 478-5099


St. Paul's Episcopal Church San Antonio

1018 East Grayson Street

San Antonio, TX - 78208

Phone: (210) 226-0345


Outcry in the Barrio Home

1003 SW 38Th Street

San Antonio, TX - 78237

Phone: (210) 434-2774


Mission Espada SVDP

10040 Espada Road

San Antonio, TX - 78214

Phone: (210) 973-1035

Society of St. Vincent DePaul - San Antonio

1 Haven For Hope Way

San Antonio, TX - 78207

Phone: (210) 225-7837


Blessing of Hands Ministries

301 Fredericksburg Road

San Antonio, TX - 78201

Phone: (210) 385-5727


Food banks and free pantries in Bexar County and San Antonio Texas.


Ella Austin Community Center

Assistance is offered from both Individual and Family Services as well as related programs. Specifically, food and grocery assistance is offered for the low income and the economically disadvantaged residing in Bexar County and San Antonio.

1023 N. Pine St.

San Antonio, Texas 78202

(210) 224-2351 9:00 - 6:00 weekdays


Agape Ministry Emergency Assistance Program

Provides free food to people who reside in the following zip codes: 78217, 78218, 78239, 78209, 78219, 78233, 78244, 78247, and 78154;

In addition, other aid is offered, including government benefits. In order to qualify, the client of the program must be receiving food stamps to qualify for utility assistance and WIC (if applicable).

Address - 127 Lanark

San Antonio, Texas 78218

Bexar County Texas

Phone number - (210)590-6655

10:00 - 11:30 and 2:00 - 3:30 Monday through Friday


CAM Social Services

110 McCullough

Street address - San Antonio, TX 78215

Phone number - (210)223-6648

9:00 - 3:30 Monday through Thursday; 9:00 - noon Friday.



Guadalupe Community Center

The food and assistance program is available for low income families. Examples of what is provided can vary by the type of program, but ranges from canned goods, perishable items, to Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts. There is pasta, cereal, canned goods, and other groceries.

Address - 1801 W. Durango

City covered in texas - San Antonio, TX 78207


Hours - 9:00 - 6:00 weekdays; food distribution runs from 9:00 - 12:00 Monday through Thursday; clothing closet is open from 9:00 - 12:00 Monday and Wednesday


Senior Congregate Meal and Activities Comprehensive Emergency Assistance

Food and other assistance is offered in zip codes 78101, 78108, 78109, 78124, 78148, 78150, 78152, 78154, 78233 (Live Oak) 78239 (Windcrest) and 78263

250 Donalan

Converse, Texas 78109

Phone number - (210)658-6351 8:00 - 4:00 weekdays

They operate the Meals on Wheels program for the homebound, including disabled and elderly. Free meals, lunches, or boxes of frozen items may be served. They also give referrals to other Meals on Wheels programs in Bexar County.




Inner City Development runs the Emergency Food and Clothing program.

Address - 1300 Chihuahua St.

San Antonio, TX 78207

Program hours - (210)224-7239 10:00 - noon weekdays


Blessing of Hands Ministries

301 Fredericksburg Road

San Antonio, Texas 78201



Hispanic Religious Partnership

They run the so called HELP Program, which offers Emergency Food. Your income needs to be 200% of the federal government poverty level or less. Mexicans, Latinos, and Spanish speakers can get food and meals for their culture.

Address: 1701 W. Woodlawn

San Antonio, Texas 78201

(210)731-8118 8:00 - noon and 1:30 - 5:00 Monday through Thursday; 8:00 - noon Friday


La Mision Family Health Care Clinic

In addition to offering medical care, they distribute free food.

19780 U.S. Hwy. 281 South

San Antonio, TX 78221

Hours: 8:00 - 4:30 weekdays

Phone - (210)626-0600


Little Church La Villita

The church provides free Emergency Food, Counseling and Prayer. People who can get help include anyone needing emergency food, clothing or counseling, including seniors, the disabled, and low income families with children. Supports all of Bexar County.

Address: 418 Villita St., Building 13

San Antonio, Texas 78205

Phone number: (210)226-3593

Hours - 10:00 - 4:00 weekdays


Operation Homefront - TRIAD / Operation Backpack / Emergency Tragedy Fund Ft. Hood. A food pantry is also run.

Address- 10157 IH 35 North, Suite A

San Antonio, Texas 78233

Dial for help - (210)659-8039

Hours: 8:00 - 5:00 weekdays

Military Family Relief Project

Call them or stop, and help is offered only for veterans or current member of the U.S. Armed Forces or its Reserve or National Guard component;

1801 W. Durango

San Antonio, TX 78207

Phone number - (210)226-6178

Hourse of the site: 8:00 - 5:00 weekdays


Presa Community Service Center offers the low income and working poor Emergency Food and Utility Bill Assistance. They also have applications on USDA programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) or surplus government commodities.

3721 S. Presa, San Antonio, Texas 78210

Phone - (210)-532-5295

Hours of the pantry - 8:30 - noon and 1:00 - 4:00 weekdays






Please donate secure via PayPal by credit card, check, or with your own PayPal account, you do not need a PayPal account to donate. All donations are very appreciated and all donations are used to help us facilitate our actions and programs.


You can also send a check made out to (Society of Native Nations) the address is:

Society of Native Nations

10730 Potranco Road Suite 122-282

San Antonio, TX 78251

Phone: 210-468-8201


"Society of Native Nations" (SNN) is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Society of Native Nations - Federal IRS Tax Exemptions Identification Number # 81-0984252

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